Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Concert Report: Ray LaMontagne @ the Boston Opera House

So despite having two ways in which I usually keep track of songs during concerts, my iPod (creating an on the go playlist) for bands that I have an absurd amount of music of, or a pad of paper and a pen to scribble down lyrics and song titles that I catch while trying to enjoy the show. Sadly, I left both of these methods in the car, a mile away from the concert hall and as a result don't have a set list for anyone.

That being said, I can say that the following songs were played: Hold You In My Arms, Sarah, Meg White, I Still Care For You, Three More Days, Trouble, Roses and Cigarettes, Hey Me, Hey Mama, Empty, Henry Nearly Killed Me (It's A Shame) Gossip in the Grain, You Are The Best Thing, and a couple of others that I'm forgetting.

Ray LaMontagne plays a fantastic show. One thing that I noticed right off was that he doesn't play front and center like most lead singers - he was off to the side, with the entire crew in a sort of semi-circle. I'm not sure if that was just for acoustic reasons, or if it relates somewhat to his personality, but it was something different.

The set that he played was excellent. There were a number of songs off of the new album, Gossip in the Grain, but a couple of favorites, such as Trouble and Three More Days, which was fantastic to hear. Soundwise, this was a really intimate show - the audience was fairly quiet, and seated, and it felt like we were in a much smaller place than the Opera House really was. The sound in that building was absolutely fantastic, and I've been do shows there before in which the same was true.

Ray had one guy thrown out, which caught me a little by surprise. I don't remember exactly what happened, but he seemed to get very mad all of a sudden, stopping the music, which put a little bit of a damper on the rest of the encore. He's also the first musician that I've seen do two encores, which was pretty cool.

Overall? Excellent, energetic and thoughtful performance.

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